zondag 15 februari 2009

Swimming with sharks, sandsurfing, wild dolphins and Newcastle

So another wild and intense few days have passed. I'm exhausted and I even got sick for 2 days due to "overdoing". Typical me yeah I know. Started off with a trip to go swimming with sharks in a closed kinda aquarium thingie. The thing was filled with stingrays and different kinds of sharks. It was really a-w-e-s-o-m-e to feed these creatures and swim with them, hug them and touch them. One of em almost bit my finger off, but it was my own fault coz I wasnt wearing gloves. The stingrays can be hugged, theyre kinda like pets, comparable to a dog or something lol...grab em, hug em, tickle em and laugh. hahaha. Loved it.

Next was the sandsurfing, which was amazing were it not for all the f***ing rain... We got two rides down and it was soooo cool, but we got so wet soaked that we decided we wanted to run from the rain.
Real pity for the rain, or i'd loved to have a few more rides in the sand.

After lunch we went on a boat trip to see wild dolphins. It was too cold and rainy to get into the waternet with the dolphins :( but seeing them was quite an emotional experience. Magnificent creatures. Very hard to take pics but I managed to get a few, see facebook for that.

I skipped the second day of the safari because the evening party at Newcastle was too intense. Didnt miss too much, coz it was wine tasting anyway :) We have enough good wines in Europe. :P I met Sabi from germany which I like veeery "mUch"(with Irish accent) so we spent a few great days together in Newcastle. I also met two Irish guys at the YHA which are absolutely insane fun :D So we kinda partied all weekend together with the rest of the peeps from the Hostel, both in pubs, clubs as at some Aussies place, to that extent that I got sick from sitting in the soaking rain on the beach at 5 in the morning, paralized by alcohol, with way too much wind. Marcel and Barry are the two Irishman, world travellers of a similar kind like me. Hope to meet the guys again in Byron Bay for another ride. Hope Matilda (its the name of their van) gets fixed so they get there by next week.

We drank way too much "goon" which is actually cheap australian wine which gives you a headache the day after. Its like superpopular here.

Today was goodbye day since I had to leave Newcastle :( Had to say Bye to Sabi and all the great folks there. Sabi I hope youll have good times at your new place with Connie! Say hello to her from me!! Can't forget to mention Rebecca, which I called "CCG", Crazy Canadian Girl, coz she is completely f***ing crazy (hope she doesnt read this :P) and she's canadian. She started calling herself CCG so we were kinda cool :P And not to forget the annoying american girls with their high heels and tons of make up :P Their room looked like a hurricane had passed by. Women tssss :) The guys' rooms were so MUCH more cleaner hehe. See pics on facebook hrhrhr. Tomorrow starts my surfcamp so ill prolly be away and offline for some time surfing between all the sharks that started to appear here lately. But no worries mates! We'll be fine ;)

Being back in Sydney today I felt kinda bit lonely/homesick for a few hours. It's a shock to be alone again after the intense days in Newcastle.

Newcastle really rocked. With such bad weather and so few things to do we had an absolutely great time. But the rain started getting to me in the end (and so did my cold).

Looking forward to Skydiving in Byron Bay :-)

Anyway...let the adventure continue. :D

And remember...No Worries Mates :-)


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