zondag 8 februari 2009


Sydney is HoT!
Nothing but positive vibes coming from this city. I especially loved the nightlife. Huge amounts of hot chicks (read: beautiful girls) and a plethora of night clubs. Perfect city for going out and pick up for whoever is into that. (not me tho :P) Darling harbour is a wonderful place and I could easily spend my whole day there and discover new stuff all the time. Actually darling harbour is what I liked the most. The opera house is nothing special, just another overhyped must-see. Chinatown is really cool too! I enjoyed walking around there. Feels like your in Asia and not in Australia. I'm at Bondi beach now. Its all surf here, so lets just do that and forget about all the rest. I dont feel like writing coz its too hot here in this room.
I have a week to fill before my surfcamp starts. Maybe i'll hit Melbourne for a few days and go down to Adelaide. Time for some beer now ^^

Dunno, who cares, as long as were rollin'

See ya ;) :p

2 opmerkingen:

Sam zei

Hey Pat, niet te ver zuid-westen trekken he. Verschrikkelijke bosbranden!! De meeste slachtoffers vielen in de streek ongeveer 45 kilometer ten noorden van Melbourne. "De regio lijkt getroffen door een atoombom", schrijft Het Laatste Nieuws. Be careful.

G-Pat zei

Nee nee :) Meer dan 200 doden al ondertussen :( echt rampzalig, maar ik blijf er weg.